Monday, January 26, 2009

3rd Entry

We have finally made camp after an intense battle with our true enemy. What we fought before were either the very young or the very old. It is now painfully obvious why the pirates would send prisoner slaves on such an important mission, if we fail it is of no great consequence to Garabaldi. He will only send other prisoners in the hopes that we will have done something to weaken the defenses so that the party to follow us will get a little further. With this new revelation in mind I now wonder " are we the first, and if not, how many are there that went before us" Putting these thoughts aside now, I am vexed with the state of the priest, he and the troll healer attempted the same task with all but disastrous results. The priest actually trying to heal our leader and the troll trying to protect him from the priest. If the priest's magik had not taken affect first I fear we would have had a torn leader to fit our torn party. I refer to the party as torn for the reason that the bard and the thief would not,I think, be with us at all if it were not for the "glorious dog chains" that keep us to our tasks. At this time I wish them no ill will, however, when they try to reap the spoils of battle they best have earned it. I'm not sure that the party is big enough for all these separate pieces, I know the party is not large enough to hold the priest and the troll healer. Taking Lord  Daneisha's patience into account I do not think that the issue will be long lived.  

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

2nd Entry

 We have found ourselves in a wooded area at late evening. Still with these oppressive collars, I have grown accustomed to the feel of the metal at my throat, every soldier has his uniform. The trolls have surprised us with their precision and skill. We have already killed three with excellent stealth, at this time our enemy knows nothing of our presence. As long as we can maintain the element of surprise this leg of our journey should be simple. I have started to worry about the influence that the priest in gaining over the troops, I do not think that their loyalty has at all shifted away from Lord Daneisha yet, the priest will remain under my watchful eye. Any treachery will not be tolerated. I will crush traitors under my hammer.

Monday, January 19, 2009

first entry

In my first few days with my new rank and mission I feel a sense power and purpose. I serve my compatriot as a military advisor. it seems that i do so with a wisdom that is not my own as if I am advised by a greater being. Lord Daneisha grows darker with each passing day. (not that i could really tell one day from any other in the month). His quiet rage and planned vengeance against the church of Lockheart consumes him. And the spirit that now guides our priest comes to the ranks as welcome as death to a tortured soul. I to feel this, as my own mind drifts to thoughts of blood rain and vindication from the path that the "holy" men put upon us. They too, those "holy" men will taste the bitter rotten fruit of the seeds they sowed in the underdark.